Sunday, April 22, 2007


Okay! This is my first post! How exciting! Anyway I've wanted a music blog for quite some time but before I've been too lazy. Now, however, is an opportune moment to make one for I am sleep-deprived and in a weird mood.

I don't know what type of music I will be posting here. I have a lot of different tastes, from twee pop to hip-hop. I know most music blogs have themes...I guess the theme of this blog will be "Whatever Laura Fancies". Which, I suppose, isn't a theme at all.

Dario G- Sunchyme.mp3

Now I first heard this song in church....I am not, by any means, a religious person. I have nothing against people who are religious, I just am not super religious or anything myself. But my nonna insisted upon my getting confirmed, so my senior year of high school I finally acquiesced and decided to just go through with it. One good thing that came out of that experience was finding out about Dario G...they were playing "inspirational" videos and this was one of them. I INSTANTLY fell in love with both the song and the video. This is some great stuff! Like...I know the quality for the video isn't super good but this song is so rad and beautiful and I hope you all enjoy it. It's the type of song that makes my blood feel electric, just more alive.

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